"Gone in 60 Seconds" Review
© 2000 Fontaine L.

School has been out for two weeks (okay, so we get out late), and the temperatures have become unbearably high. Tourists have begun to crowd the beaches of L.A. Everywhere. I knew it was that time of year again. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiit's JERRY BRUCKHEIMER time, folks!

Without fail, Jerry Bruckheimer and his team have delivered their usual summer blockbuster fare. The only thing out of place is Michael Bay is missing. I was almost shocked to see his name replaced by another director in the opening credits. Oh well. Otherwise, all the regular players were there. Nicolas Cage, Will Patton, and a scattering of other actors as well. Trevor Rabin, the composer. A steady slew of music video music, an explosive directing style. Lots of cool cars. Well-orchestrated action scenes. Potential high speed pursuitees, take heed. This is how one must drive in LA to arrive in the office on time. A ragtag band of unlikely heroes, all bonding in the end. Bruckheimer's films follow a formula, but they follow it well. I liked the idea that car thieves were made lovable, that they are now seen as heroes. I like role reversals, when people are seen in an untraditional light. It was oddly Robin Hood-like, as they mention in the movie. After all, they are only stealing status symbols. The result is highly entertaining, even if the film resorted to a cop-out ending. Nicolas Cage seems to have become a worse actor since he's gotten his statuette, but he provides adequate oomph to the action hero role. The supporting players are, too, adequate, but I suspect it's because they've done this many times. The characters are flat, as usual, as the film is plot-driven, but I didn't mind in the end. The heroes did their work.

Now that I've given the film its due, I am obligated to end this review with a comment on a racial stereotype that appeared in the film that I found highly offensive. Given the experienced Hollywood players involved in this film and its target audience, I was surprised they let the scene in question sneak pass script coverage, rewrites, storyboard meetings, and editing. I don't deny that I found the scene funny, but I laughed despite of my reservations. They were perpetuating an erroneous myth and the scene was unnecessary, because the film had plenty of other resources for humor. For that "Gone in Sixty Seconds" is getting downgraded a notch. Shame on you guys.

Rating: B (First viewing, 6/30/00)